
Archive for 13 februarie 2012

Un analist iranian apropiat de ayatollahul Ali Khamenei, liderul suprem de la Teheran, a publicat recent un plan detailat de atacarea a Israelului, sustine un site media ce monitorizeaza Orientul Mijlociu. Potrivit Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), articolul publicat de Alireza Forghani pe site-ul conservator Alef se numeste „Iranul trebuie sa atace Israelul pana in 2014” (articolul integral poate fi citit pe blogul lui Alireza Forghani).

Forghani, care este specialist in strategie apropiat de Khamenei, afirma ca „Teheranul este capabil sa anihileze Israelul folosind arsenalul sau de rachete si prin desfasurarea de unitati de lupta operationale in intreaga lume”.

Analistul iranian vorbeste despre un atac in doua etape. In prima faza, fortele iraniene se vor concentra pe cele mai populate regiuni de pe teritoriul israelian, intre care Tel Aviv, Ierusalem si Haifa, unde traiesc circa 60% dintre locuitorii Israelului. Forghani afirma ca aici trebuie folosite rachete Shahab-3pentru anihiliarea zonelor metropolitane.

In etapa a doua a ofensivei, Iranul ar putea folosi rachetele Sejil pentru a distruge, printre altele, centralele nucleare ale Israelului, aeroporturi, uzinele de epurare a apelor si infrastructura de transporturi, scrie Forghani, potrivit traducerii in engleza oferite de MEMRI. Au fost mentionate in special centrul de inginerie Rafael, precum si centralele de la Eilun si Nebrin sau reactorul de la Dimona.

Ulterior, vor fi folosite rachete Ghadr pentru distrugerea asezarilor urbane israeliene.

In opinia strategului iranian, obiectivul urmarit este „anihilarea finala a poporului israelian”.

Middle East Media Research Institute precizeaza ca articolul scris de Forghani, un politician conservator aliat regimului de la Teheran, ofera „dovada definitiva ca Iranul este determinat sa anihileze statul evreu”. In plus, materialul lui Forghani a fost preluat imediat de site-uri conservatoare oficiale din Iran, ceea ce arata ca are sustinerea regimului.

„Pare ca articolul, a carui publicare a coincis cu declaratiile facute de ayatollahul Khamenei in legatura cu nevoia de a distruge cresterea canceroasa a Israelului, este raspunsul regimului la afirmatiile recente ale liderilor israelieni, despre necesitatea atacarii Iranului”, a precizat MEMRI intr-o analiza a materialului lui Forghani.

MEMRI precizeaza ca „radacinile ideologice ale articolului lui Forghani stau in interpretarea extremista a Islamului oferita de Khamenei, care afirma ca musulmanii sunt obligati sa atace Israelul din cauza ocuparii teritoriului palestinian de catre statul evreu”.

In ultimele cateva saptamani, tensiunea se mentine ridicata intre SUA si Iran, cu avertizari repetate ale Iranului fata de prezenta marinei americane in Golf, relansad temerile legate de o eventuala inchidere a Stramtorii Ormuz, prin care tranziteaza aproximativ 35% din petrolul transportat pe cale maritima in lume.

In ciuda amenintarilor, Washington a promis ca va mentine navele de razboi in Golf, iar Casa Alba a estimat ca amenintarile Iranului dovedesc de fapt „slabiciunea” acestei tari.

Israelul si Statele Unite au acuzat guvernul de la Teheran ca urmareste sa creeze bomba nucleara. Iranul sustine insa ca programul sau atomic are doar o componenta civila.

SUA si Israelul nu au exclus utilizarea atacurilor aeriene impotriva centrelor de productie nucleara din Iran.

Citeste si:

Analistul Richard Silverstein: Sunt sanse mai mari de 50% ca Israelul va ataca Iranul. Regimul iranian nu este extremist, ci pragmatic si rational

Ahmad Majidyar, American Enterprise Institute: Israelul nu poate distruge complet instalatiile nucleare ale Iranului. Atacul ar putea fi lansat cu sau fara aprobarea SUA

Manuela Paraipan, analist de politica externa: Israelul are forta militara de a ataca unele dintre instalatiile iraniene dar fara rezultatul urmarit. Nu cred ca SUA pot sta deoparte daca interesele lor au de suferit


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Captain Spock: There is an old Vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.” – Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country(1991).

Steve Clemons raised the most important point in the Iran War debate in his article, „Iran War Would Cost Trillions: Will the GOP Pay More Taxes for That?” Clemons says:

„It is ridiculous to think that a strike by Israel against Iran, that would in real terms tie the US to the conflict, would not be staggeringly expensive and consequential.

So, it would be interesting to hear from those who want to reside in the White House – and even the Obama administration which has some ‘kinetic action’ advocates on the inside – on what a more sensible financial management strategy for these proliferating conflicts, including an Iran War, would be.”

A U.S.-Israel war with Iran would finalize the financial destruction of the United States, not because of the impact of Iran’s retaliation against America’s military, but because America’s fiscal house cannot withstand the winds from another trillion dollar storm in the form of a war in the Middle East.

The reality is that America is already bankrupt, as financial expert Jim Rogers told Russia Today back in June 2011. „America is going down the tubes,” said Rogers, „we’re the largest debtor nation in the history of the world. This is a very serious thing that’s going on around us and we’re just watching ourselves sink into the sea.”

The people who are demanding the Obama administration to attack Iran without providing credible evidence that Iran poses a threat to America, such as Senators Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham, must want to destroy America just as much as they want to destroy Iran.

Lieberman and Graham are not stupid. They know a war with Iran will lead to a global catastrophe, that America and Israel will have to use nuclear bombs on Iranian cities to end the war, and that America’s reputation will fall below that of Nazi Germany by the time it’s all over. But traitors like Lieberman and Graham are not in the business of saving their countries, so don’t wait for these demonic warmongers in Washington to come to their senses and support efforts to reachrapprochement with Iran.

On Sunday, February 12, Paul R. Pillar, a 28-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, reflected on the courage and foresight of President Nixon’s decision to have a rapprochement with China,writing:

„David Ignatius has a column noting that this month marks the fortieth anniversary of one of the landmark events in the history of U.S. foreign policy: President Richard Nixon‘s trip to China. Observing the anniversary is appropriate. Nixon’s opening to China was one of the truly great foreign policy initiatives by a U.S. president. Regardless of what else it is appropriate to think about Nixon, he deserves much credit for this achievement.”

Nixon went to China to make a deal because he knew he could pull it off. Obama does not have the same political confidence and swagger to duplicate a similar political feat in Tehran. He is just not tough enough to sell the idea of making peace with the Mullahs.

In times of crises, nations need leaders with observable masculine qualities like toughness to overcome various hurdles and get stuff done. The problem about President Obama is that nobody takes him seriously, probably not even members of his own staff. He is too weak and powerless to shift the national rhetoric regarding Iran.

Obama’s enemies in the press like Andrew Adler, the owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times, have contemplated his assassination by Mossadif he doesn’t march in lockstep with Israel. The fact that somebody like Adler feels comfortable enough to write this psychobabble down on paper shows the level of power that the right-wing Israeli terrorists have in America.

On Saturday, February 11, Alex Jones and professor Francis Boyle discussed the possibility of the threat against Obama’s life becoming a reality in this video interview called, „Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle.” Alex raised the notion that Israel’s list of false flag options to get a war with Iran started may include the assassination of President Obama.

While it is foolish to rule anything out at this point, such an event will probably not happen. I don’t believe President Obama will be assassinated by Mossad because he seems to be on board with the idea of attacking Iran. In my last article I said that the globalists want to use Israel as a shield so they don’t get blamed for starting World War III.

But maybe that analysis is wrong. Maybe Obama decides to change his mind about Iran, and maybe Israel will decide that the best option is to kill him and blame Iran or some domestic right-wing terrorist group for the deed. The establishment will use Obama’s assassination to kill two birds with one stone: Iran, and the domestic opposition to the international plutocracy and Zionists.

The event that triggered the first World War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. Political assassinations are regular occurrences in the history of the world. They can change the dynamics of societies and national destinies and be used to advance the political objectives of various powerful groups.

But all this is just speculation. To be honest, I don’t know what to think anymore. In the environment that we’re trapped in it is tough to separate the private beliefs and opinions of officials in the Obama administration about Iran and their public statements. My radar of truth is picking up all kinds of signals that the U.S. and Israel will attack Iran full-blown style, some real and some false.

I’m sure the war-crazed demons in Tel Aviv and Washington will continue to raise tensions between America and Iran with a variety of terrorist techniques, both within America and Iran. But will they actually assassinate an American president and blame a new scapegoat when they know full well that the American people and global public will not buy the official cover story? It is too much of a risk. We are not in November 1963, June 1968, or September 2001. We are in 2012.

The false flag terrorists and secret assassins in Washington and Tel Aviv are not playing with fire anymore. The circumstances on the ground have changed dramatically. Now they are sitting on a volcano of rage and truth that will overrun what’s left of their political legitimacy if they set it off by staging another false flag attack.

The next false flag attack could be a nuclear 9/11, or the assassination of the President. Both possible false flag attacks frequently appear on the radar of Internet intelligence. I’m leaning towards the first option. There is some gas left in Obama’s tank, and the globalists need this tank to conquer more countries. Libya was a test run for the Obama tank. The real war that will reveal the durability and symbolic strength of this political tank is in Persia.

Obama probably wants a war against Persia even more than the state terrorists in Israel because in his warped mind he thinks a new war will save his presidency. And it probably will. After all, if war improved Bush’s ratings, why not Obama’s ratings?

And imagine the ratings that CNN and Fox News will get for their coverage of the destruction of Iran. World War III will be television heaven for Wolf Blitzer and Bill O’Reilly. The only thing that would top those ratings is if Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston return to Earth on a golden chariot to sing the Star-Spangled Banner right as America’s bombs fell on Iran.

Let’s hope Obama, Israel, CNN, and Fox News do not get their war of Armageddon. Let’s hope nothing tragic happens between now and November that leads to a full-scale American/Israeli attack against Iran.


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